Monday, August 9, 2010

Thin Skin at Borders

You know every year when it's getting closer to the holiday season, Borders usually starts having their great book sales. For them it's like clock work. I mean, you can practically find Christmas gifts for everyone on your list... that's if you're not like me and you start your Christmas shopping several months earlier. I try to start my shopping before Halloween every year but it never happens. I guess in a way I'm a little greedy but I mean, who isn't, right? I like shopping for myself.

So a few days ago I browsed through the books in crates outside of Borders which are currently priced at $1 if they have a blue tag on them . Sometimes I get a little iffy when it comes to purchasing books on sale. I mean, you can find amazing books while other times it's like, "I can't believe someone even wrote a book on this". Nonetheless, I am always leaving with a book or two.. or three in hand before walking indoors into what I like to call, "The Mecca". Every book-lovers dream. I honestly cannot get enough of that store.

What I picked up on my last book-purchasing-binge was Emma Forret's Thin Skin and a few other random books that I can't remember the title of right now. I started Forrest's book last night and let me just say it is by far the most... interesting work of fiction I have ever read.

Ruby, this bulimic, emo, burn-out actress whom is supposedly extremely beautiful is, in my opinion, crazy as hell... and not in a good way. She sort of reminds of Amy Winehouse meets Lindsey Lohan meets Kim Kardashian. The protagonist in this story is such a fuck-up you can't help but love her and everything she says and does.

It's one of those books you can't seem to put down even though the writing is everywhere and it jumps from one thing to another. In a way Forrest's writing style is quite distinctive giving the reader a great insight into the mindset of Ruby. I can understand why Vanity Fair has dubbed Emma Forrest a "Literary Lolita". She is quite an interesting artist weaving together descriptive words made to make us feel something if anything at all. I would definitely recommend this book to readers of chic-lit who prefer a little more edge to their reading.


  1. Sounds like an interesting read. I'll have to add it to my reading to-do list.

    And I'm with you on the Borders sales. I bought three awesome books while outside. One was actually a book about the pet food industry that I wouldn't have thought to look for on my own in the store. It's kinda neat discovering new things at those sales!

  2. Thanks for stopping by. You know, if you're really into chick-lit with a little more edge, I'd say go for it! I am absolutely loving this book. I would recommend getting a highlighter or pen because it's one of those books where you'll want to remember certain quotes or paragraphs.
