Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday 56


* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.

* Turn to page 56.

* Post any sentence from that page (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog. (If you do not have your own blog) post it in the comments section of this blog.

*Post a link along with your post back to Story Time With Tonya and Friends.

* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

I swallowed my greeting. He was wearing skin-tight leather pants tucked into thigh-high boots, so it was hard to tell where the pants left off and the boots began. The shirt was one of his typical shirts, something sort of 1700's, with mounds of ruffles at sleeves, and neck. But the color of all that silk was something I'd never seen him in. A vibrant blue somewhere between royal and navy. The color made his midnight eyes bluer than ever. His face was as always flawless, breathtaking. It was, as always, like some wet dream come to life, too beautiful to be real, too sensuous to be safe.


  1. Found you!!!! Glad you put your blog link into Mr. Linky so I could find you easily.

    Hey darlin, one question...why do you have "Maddie James" on the title of your Friday 56?

  2. Renee, I have no idea but since you mentioned that, I will now take it off. Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you around here again.
