Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Taking the low road...

Dear Readers,

I am apologizing in advance if you are deeply offended. It is most certainly not my intentions to offend anyone nor is this about any of you lovely bloggers/authors/readers. It is simply a rant about... A certain man who thinks it's perfectly fine to talk about a certain someone to her brothers. I'm sure you all understand and hope that you continue reading.

I'm never one to complain about personal issues via blog nor do I name drop, which I don't plan on doing here (the name drop that is), but I am in a bit of a mood. You see, if I were a better person I would not write that:

1. I HATE you.
2. You make me sick
3. You're a fkn douche bag.
4. Grow the fck up.

and last but not least...

5. Never piss off a writer, you could just end up in her next short story.
(Which I have written and titled, The Breaking Point. Click here to read. Thank You for the inspiration.)

So this goes out to You. You know who you are. I hope you rot in hell and I could care less if you read this and it hurts your feelings because in all honesty, I am taking the low road here and I don't give a flying... You get the picture. I'm sending you a one-finger salute along with a big hearty F.U!


  1. WOW, what a cool short story. Isn't it nice to be able to torture people in your stories when they tick you off? But seriously, remind me to never get on your bad side!!

  2. Hi Linda,
    It is definitely nice to torture people in stories. I mean, it's better than the alternative, right? ;) Haha, as for being on my bad side, well... I don't think you ever have to worry about that.

    Hi Leo! Thanks for stopping by!
