Thursday, September 1, 2011

Loving this life...

Its been a while since I've managed to blog daily. I'm trying to make it a habit again but working six days a week for the past few weeks have put a huge damper on my creativity spark. Which I plan on changing real soon I hope.

Have I mentioned that I'm single? Well, its been almost a  month and surprisingly I am doing very well. I've been talking to a few men which make me feel all giddy and warm inside. A girl should feel like that, right? Its been so long since I've felt remotely beautiful because a man had said so. Its been so long since I've felt wanted like I do now. Oh, how times have changed.

I use to think I was moving too fast but I realized with my past relationship that you cant stall the heart. It'll grow and expand and let love in when you least expect it. Don't get me wrong. I'm nowhere near in love let along opening my heart up for that. I'm simply ready to let it happen if it shall.

Oh, and I'm also getting a tattoo! On Sunday to be exact. I'm extremely excited about it. I've been thinking about getting this particular thing for some time. Perhaps I'll post some photos.. Maybe.

Hope you lovelies are having an amazing week so far. I know I'm not... But I will be this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. just found your blog off of lily love! I would love to follow each other, if you like my blog of course!

