Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy Weekend!

"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless."
--Bill Watterson
I just wanted to wish all of you who read my blog an amazing weekend. Hope it's filled with many pointless nothings. It is after all what Bill Watterson would have wanted.


  1. What a great quote!

    We fill up the gas tank and drove around trying to find a new place for my boys to swim. We found a great place! They swam, jumped off the dock, we had a picnic dinner, and then down the road we stopped for some yummy ice cream :)
    *Only used a bit less then half a tank*

    Stopping over to reply to your question from the eclipse review.

    The "ahh" moment I was referring to was when Edward got down on one knee to propose to Bella. After he said that he didn't want to spoil her or something to that accord. It was so romantic. Of course, what we would all want but I couldn't help but laugh.


  2. Haha, ok I remember that "aaah" moment now. Thank you for refreshing my memory.

    It sounds like you had a great weekend. Glad to know someone enjoyed a fund day in the water. I for one live on an island surrounded by water and haven't been to the beach in months.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Great quote...and even funnier pic! Haha...weekends sure are the greatest....there is never enough time in any given day, week, weekend though....ah...such is life, right?!

  4. I absolutely love this quote. It's so completely true, don't you agree? And you're right, there is never enough time in any given day let alone the weekend. Thank you so much for stopping by. Hope you come back for more.
