Thursday, July 15, 2010

Where do you find inspiration?

Have you ever found yourself standing in line at Starbucks waiting for your iced coffee when all of a sudden inspiration strikes? The man standing behind you is sinfully sexy and you can't help but wonder what it would be like if you were to get to talking. The plot unfolds in your head, scenarios begin to take form, dialogue starts between the two characters you've imagined... Everything becomes clear and you can't help but smile and what's playing through your head.

Well my loyal readers, the very thing happened to me today. Minus the waiting in line at Starbucks (I could have really used a coffee) and having a sinfully sexy man standing behind me (I could've used that too). My point is inspiration usually strikes when you least expect it. It comes in all forms, like as a cute man you see at Starbucks or even a song you hear on the radio while driving home from work. Inspiration comes and goes when it wants to... Like some men I know but that's a totally off the topic.

Today my inspiration fairy decided to have a visit with me like it has been doing for most of the week. I was online checking emails, reading blogs, the usual when all of a sudden this male "friend" whom I haven't spoken with in over year pops up on my screen. We got to talking and by the time I knew it a story of "what if" began playing through my head like one of those black and white picture films. Yes I did say "what if". He's recently married you see with a child on the way but I didn't care about the guy, okay that's a lie I tried not to care but the only thing that mattered at the moment was me getting those thoughts down on paper. Those thoughts of "what if"...

The story? Well, it's a work in progress. The great thing about writing is you can mix fact with fiction. I can add whatever and whomever I want and no one will know what's real and what's not. It's a beautiful thing. Amazing actually.

So tell me, where do you find your inspiration? Does it hit you when you least expect it? Do you drop everything to get it all out of your system before it leaves? If you've been in a rut lately, I hope your fairy visits you soon. As for me, inspiration calls!

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